Hey , You have $0.00 in Tenon Tender!

Don't remember what Tenon Tender is? For every night that you have traveled with us in the past or are going to travel with us on a booked vacation, you receive $10 per person, per night, to use toward your next Tenon Tours vacation. 

Keep in mind, your Tenon Tender expires! Check with your Personal Travel Specialist for your expiration date. 



Were you expecting a credit, but no balance is showing? Is your balance is incorrect? Please email us at travel@tenontours.com and we'll check our records. (We've changed systems over the years so it's possible your client profile needs some updating on our side. Ahhhhh technology!)


 Tenon Tender terms & conditions can be read by clicking here.

Not interested in traveling to our core destinations (Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, and Italy) again? Request a quote anyway! Tell us where in the world you want to travel, and we can look into assisting you. We have some select worldwide destination partners that may fit your travel style- it doesn't hurt to ask. This is an option we only offer to our current & past clients. 

Thank you for traveling with Tenon Tours and considering us again!